We are in the process of centralizing our church’s communications into one easy-to-use place called Planning Center. At your convenience, please submit your family’s information using the following link to be included in our church database and to make sure you don’t miss out on next steps to get connected. Any questions? Reach out to Murray. https://redeemer-presbyterian-church-489187.churchcenter.com/people/forms/875138
Women's Retreat 2025 - We hope you can join us in a weekend of growth and renewal at our annual retreat February 7th & 8th looking at "Living in Wisdom Through the Proverbs" led by Becky Kiern. You can join us for Friday Night Fellowship ($10), Saturday study ($30), or both ($40). We will be meeting here at the church this year! Please RSVP at https://evite.me/U46tPvxhHK by January 25th. Pick up a flyer in the narthex or see our email for more information, schedule, and ways to help serve! Please invite your friends and neighbors as well! If you have any questions, please contact the women's ministry team at womensministry@redeemerlouisville.com.
NEW for Redeemer Women: Seasons of Praying. We will gather in a home 4 times a year to pray. For our church. For our country. For our missionaries. For our world. The first one of the year is Saturday January 25th from 10-11:30am at the home of Alex Casabella. Please text her for her address: 502-553-2967. Feel free to email prayer requests to alexandria.casabella@gmail.com. Hope to see many of you there!
The Weekly Women's Bible Study will meet on Tuesdays, February 4th through April 22th, 10-11:30AM on the book of James. A children's program is available for children ages 0-5. See Abby Thistleton (248-331-6080) for more info, and register here: https://forms.gle/tvry4LKCbG1tML5Q6.
Officer Nominations: Each year Redeemer nominates men for the offices of elder and deacon. Men in good standing who have been members for at least a year are eligible. Please review the requirements in 1 Timothy and Titus regarding elders and deacons. Please make sure the person is willing to be nominated. The nomination process will last through February 16th.
RLY (Redeemer Louisville Youth) will resume January 19th from 4:00-6:30PM in the youth room upstairs. Students in 6th-12th grade are invited to join us for games, snacks, singing and our Spring study called "RLY Asks" where we investigate the Bible's answers to the questions you submitted throughout the fall. Have questions? Reach out to Murray Nickel!
Congregational Meeting will be held directly following worship on February 16th. Topics to be addressed include the 2025 budget, Planning Center, the Generosity Initiative/building improvement, General Assembly, and upcoming sermon series.