Enjoying One Another

God created us for community. He has given us the church, in part, for life together. As a church, we are united to one another by faith, members of Christ's body. We pray that our people will actively participate in a small community group. These groups are the primary avenue for our members to share life together and serve each other, their neighbors, and the world.

St. Matthews

Hosts:                The Arnold's

Location:           St. Matthews

Description:       We come together to eat, sing hymns or share a testimony, and then play a game.

Meeting Time:   Friday evening before 1st Sunday of the month & 3rd Sunday of the month.

The Highlands

Hosts:                Jeffrey and Katie Nau

Location:           The Highlands or other group members’ homes

Description:       We enjoy fellowship, food, praising God with singing, and praying together.

Meeting Time:   1st & 3rd Sundays, 5:30 - 8:30 pm

Audubon Park

Hosts:                Jonathan and Corrie Kiel

Location:           Audubon Park

Description:       We eat, sing, pray, and enjoy time with each other.

Meeting Time:   1st and 3rd Sundays, 5:30 - 8:30 pm

Sellersburg, Indiana / East Louisville


Hosts:                The Elliotts and the Keisters

Location:           Sellersburg, Indiana (1st Sunday) and eastern Louisville (3rd Sunday)

Description:       We eat, sing, pray, and fellowship.

Meeting Time:   1st and 3rd Sundays following the conclusion of worship service (1:00 - 3:30)

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